The “What Grows an Economy?” article in the November 22, 2010 Forbes issue by Rich Karlgaard has some very interesting information which I find gives validity to the concept of planting PIE Teams.

This triggered in my mind the importance of planting Entrepreneur Productive Innovative Engines (PIE) Teams in our schools and jobless networks. In my previous blogs I discuss the concept of PIE Teams in:
• Create Job Opportunities with PIE
• Wanted Economy With Motor
• Quality White Glove
Mr. Schramm states the “X factor” is startups that get big.
I suggest if we want to solve the problem of Jobs and a slow economy, we need policies that encourage PIE Teams to experiment with creating new products and services that have the potential for growing into big companies i.e., X factor effect.
The concept of Entrepreneur Productive Innovative Engine (PIE) Teams is that they are planted in Schools. Jobless Networks and within Industry as potential spin offs that will get those participating into a frame of mind of creating products and services that will result in new jobs. In Industry these Teams may be called "Skunk Works."
A Team consists of the following Hats:
- Business (Entrepreneur)
- Customer (Marketplace
- Technologist (Production/Service)
- Engineer (Design & Development)
- Scientist (Research)
- Logistics (Global Supply Chain
These are discussed in detail in blogs at
Hopefully these thoughts will be useful in getting the pipe-line primed for the X-factor companies that will be needed in the next 20 years. Other thoughts regarding this concept are welcomed.