After the creation of the PIE frameworks concept that uses the fingers to represent the various hats of the Entrepreneurial Productive Innovative Engine (PIE), I have been surprised how many hand graphics I have run across that triggered thinking of PIE. Below is a collage that captures several of these ideas. All of these can relate to PIE Team Players striving to achieve excellence.
One of the first was the Guilford County Schools (GCS) presentation by Mo Green that showed a graphic on screen with up lifted hands stressing "Achieving Educational Excellence". Our local Southeast Guilford Community Association uses uplifted hands reaching for the stars and the Southeast Guilford Foundation uses an arm outstretched picking a star.
Clockwise from the left top we have TEDx Greensboro, Hands Tree from Southeast Baptist preschool wall, above PIE Team Players, GCS Achieving Education Excellence, Praying Hands representing the Rudder for Future Economy, Southeast Guilford Community Foundation, Guilford Education Alliance Tree of Hands from 2012 Education Summit brochure, Southeast Guilford Community Association, Center Students raising hands with answers.
More Logos are shown in the graphic below. Clockwise Hands locked as lifting seat, VentuRealization Community, Neon sign, PIE hands, Google fingers, Like hand, Bear Paw, Bye (stop) hand, Two Fingers people. It is amazing where you see hand or fingers that trigger PIE thoughts.
I encourage you to look for other illustrations that could be related to PIE hand fingers.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Rudder for Future Economy ….
Our economy has been experiencing a rambling path similar to
the one that the Bismarck ship experienced during WW-II when a torpedo disabled
the steering mechanism.
This blog expands on previous thinking of the
Entrepreneurial Productive Innovative Engine (PIE) Framework
to include the concept of the hands of the PIE team clasped together as a rudder for steering the future economy.
Tonight, while attending a spiritual worship service at
Southeast Baptist in Greensboro, Chris Thorpe shared a profound concept related
to our spiritual life. He illustrated it
by showing two hands clasped in a prayer mode, which he expressed was the
rudder that steers our spiritual life.
The worship service was the celebration of a weekend of “Let’s
Do Something” where the members were out in the community working on three
resident’s houses needing repairs and maintenance work, collecting electronic
equipment for recycling, conducting a church reverse (no pay i.e. Free) yard
sale, making crafts for nursing home and hosting flu shots. It was a great weekend!
Building on the concept of PIE, when the two hands are brought together one representing the six team hats and the white glove for quality can be thought of as a rudder that steers the economy by creating new products, services, solutions, experiences that in turn create new jobs. This corresponds to the diamond at the top of the workforce triangle which is defined by some as the creative work. It is not too far of a stretch to visualize the diamond part as the rudder of the workforce triangle that drives the economy.
Left is a graphic from the back of my business card illustrating the PIE framework. It shows metaphors representing various views of the PIE Framework.

Hopefully this concept of PIE as the rudder for the economy
will take root and influence thinking that will steer our future economy into positive
waters and destinations.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Quality Adage Updated …
Several years ago (1990s) an adage evolved in my mind and later was updated; this blog discusses the latest update.
Initial Adage:
“Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate Resources.”
“Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate Resources.”
After a couple years, I realized you could have this but still not achieve Quality due to an unhealthy paradigm; i.e. cross vectors working at odds to alignment of a path for success.
First revision:
“Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate Resources in a healthy Paradigm.”
“Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate Resources in a healthy Paradigm.”
For a discussion of this see: Also discusses quality and engagement.
This has been a robust view for over a decade. I haven’t found anyone that has disagreed with this being the essences of Quality.
Latest revision:
“Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate working Resources in a healthy Paradigm.”
“Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate working Resources in a healthy Paradigm.”
This latest revision evolved while sitting in Dentist’s chair as my dentist was attempting to get his new drill system working. He said he had only used it eight times so far. As I thought about the appropriate resources adage concept, it became clear that you can have appropriate resources but not attain quality when the resources are not working or engaged.
Thinking about workforce you can have the skill sets available but unless they are engaged quality will not be accomplished. Or you can have equipment resources available but they are useless if they won’t work.
When my daughter-in-law’s dad was experiencing ALS she shared a book regarding “Caring for ALS Patients”. In the book as I remember there was a point made that people too often are in the mode of “Taking it in but not taking it on”; this is an example of disengagement. Taking it on is taking ownership.
I encourage you to stress this adage and provide feedback from your experience and perspective.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Virtual Town Hall - Piedmont Voice …
The Piedmont Triad Sustainable
Communities Planning Project has partnered with MindMixer to provide a virtual “town hall”
website dedicated to soliciting
ideas and feedback from residents about a broad variety of interesting and
engaging community issues. This new public engagement platform allows a more
diverse audience of participants that might not be able to attend conventional
public meetings.
When I checked MindMixer in April
2012 it had 29 communities; see MindMixer
Communities for a list. They have
learned through experience optimal engagement comes when technology is combined
with two C’s (Content and Context) as illustrated in visual.
MindMixer Technology appears to be an effective tool to capture insights with feedback that is relevant. is one of several communities taking advantage of this innovative tool.
The diagram also includes Triple Bottom Impacts that focus on
Social (Quality), Environmental (Sustainability) and Economic (Dollars). Other views of the Triple Bottom Line Impacts
focus on People, Planet and Profit. The
blog “A Better Way .... Triple Bottom
Line Impacts” discuss this in more detail.

MindMixer Technology appears to be an effective tool to capture insights with feedback that is relevant. is one of several communities taking advantage of this innovative tool.
The MindMixer web site states:
” First things first, let’s start with technology, because it’s still very important. Technology should allow the government agency a diversity of functionality. Crowd sourcing ideas is an important functional element, but so is functionality that supports prioritization, interactive budgeting, and traditional survey questions. Equally important, the public facing design of the technology plays a key role in success. Together, functionality and design provide the foundation for total engagement.
” First things first, let’s start with technology, because it’s still very important. Technology should allow the government agency a diversity of functionality. Crowd sourcing ideas is an important functional element, but so is functionality that supports prioritization, interactive budgeting, and traditional survey questions. Equally important, the public facing design of the technology plays a key role in success. Together, functionality and design provide the foundation for total engagement.
Assuming an agency has adequate technology
(preferably MindMixer :), success is contingent on executing the two C’s. If
you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times, content is king.
Creating and presenting compelling content is difficult for lots of government
agencies. Why? Typically the most successful content is either controversial
emotional or non-technical. Government agencies often times fear the emotional
and operate in the technical (by requirement). Helping these entities
understand the importance of creating and presenting content that yields
interest and maintains simplicity is critically important.
Compelling content can change the
trajectory of engagement effort instantly. Combining compelling content with
context can take a community to even greater heights. Offering participants
contextually relevant opportunities to participate makes engagement personal.
Context should be driven by demographics, location, and interest. Asking a
citizen for ideas about a new streetscape works. Asking a citizen for ideas
about a streetscape in their neighborhood works better. Asking a citizen about
ideas for a streetscape in their neighborhood, while they are walking on the
street brings engagement to an entirely different level. Context creates
ownership. Ownership leads to action. Action solves problems.
In summary:
The engagement technology you choose is important, but it’s only one
predictor of success. Make your content
interesting and emotional. Emotion drives interest. Add context to the conversation. It creates
personal ownership.” Extract from
As I reflect on the Design Funnel discussed in
previous blogs, tools such as MindMixer
provide a method of expanding the efficiency of the process of moving through
the Design Funnel. In the wide area of
the funnel where degree of freedom is large, Ideas would be captured more
efficiently. In the not too distance
past this process was done by going to the library and exploring what may be
available as options for refinement into Goals, Solutions, Products, Processes,
Services or Experiences. More recently
search engines have removed the inefficiency of this activity. With this new technology humans and
technology should work more in concert to build a more viable approach to
discovering and refining the ideas/options that will lead to the objective
The Southeast
Guilford Community Association has a goal to “Develop Alliances with
strategic organizations”. The Southeast
Guilford Community Alliances are focused on enhancing the Quality of Life, strengthening
community both now and for future generations, encouraging growth and financial
support of community and businesses. They work independently and
collaboratively toward that end.
It occurs to me that the MindMixer tool would be useful to
groups such as The Southeast Guilford Community Alliance for engaging
the broader community in an interactive Virtual Town Hall. Community forums and surveys have been used
in the past to address this issue.
Another thought is that PiedmontVoice expand to allow smaller
independent community Virtual Town Hall Voices.
Hopefully this blog and others at
will be useful in triggering ideas that will benefit PiedmontVoice and Piedmont Triad Sustainable Communities
Planning Project
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Service-Learning PIE Wrapup ...
A number of my blogs have recently focused on Service-Learning. This blog acts as a wrapup of these and PIE application. A notebook was circulated among the Guilford Education Alliance Connecting Students to the Future Economy Task Force as a way of wrapping up my involvement. Mobility issues are preventing me from continuation of my particapation in non-home activities.
The following are links to the contents of the wrap-up notebook:
GCS Service-Learning Thoughts in Blogs:
Blog Index & related resources:
The following are links to the contents of the wrap-up notebook:
Productive Innovative Engine (PIE) frame works:
- Engineering Connections - PIE Concepts PDF (2 slides per page)
- PIE Team Wiki Resources SWF (Mindmanager Player)
- Draft PIE Proposed Sessions SWF (Mindmanager Player)
GCS Service-Learning Thoughts in Blogs:
Blog Index & related resources:
Hopefully this information will be a useful resource to persons interested in PIE Frame Works and Service-Learning. From my perspective, it has been rewarding to learn and think about Service-Learning; it has given me a new set of eyes on what can accomplished by incorporating PIE Frame Works. I encourage persons to seriously consider the potential of concepts documented here.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Service-Learning: SEE-PIE SWOT Focus …
This blog explores using the Triple Bottom Line Impacts for
examining Service-Learning Projects. This
was discussed in the previous blog “A
Better Way ... Triple Bottom Line Impacts”. Projects are examined using Social, Environmental and Economic
(SEE) impacts.
Drawing on the Funnel Triple Bottom Line Service-Learning
Projects diagram gives a way to evaluate for Social, Environmental & Economic
impacts as illustrated in the matrix rubrics.
This also gives a way to assess the priority of the Impact of interest. Should the focus be on Social, Economic, Environmental or a balance of alternate Impacts? Thinking through these priorities in the Design Concept stage should minimize later conflicts of SEE emphasis.
Service-Learning 1
Service-Learning 2

After writing this blog, I discovered that GCS Service-Learning was also using a similiar triad to represent Triple Bottom Line as People-Planet-Profit (PPP). Where ever I have used Social-Environmential-Economic (SEE) then PPP is equilivant, see diagrams.
Using this and SWOT discussed below should guide in the
critical analysis of design path options.
Keeping in mind the balance of SEE during the design funnel path
development gives strength to the creation of Goals, Solutions, Products,
Services, Processes or Experiences using PIE frameworks. The January 23 Project
Based Learning (PBL) ….. PIE blog discusses PIE
frameworks as a Project Based Learning platform.
The Wikipedi article “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis” gives an additional way to evaluate SEE. “ SWOT analysis (alternately SLOT analysis) is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. The technique is credited to Albert Humphrey, who led a convention at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies.
Setting the objective should be done after the SWOT analysis has been performed. This would allow achievable goals or objectives to be set for the organization.
Strengths: characteristics of the business,
or project team that give it an advantage over others
Weaknesses (or Limitations): are
characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others
Opportunities: external chances to
improve performance (e.g. make greater profits) in the environment
Threats: external elements in the
environment that could cause trouble for the business or project

the decision makers have to determine whether the objective is attainable,
given the SWOTs. If the objective is NOT attainable a different objective must
be selected and the process repeated.”
Since SWOT is used in industry, this type of thinking should be beneficial in connecting students to the future economy.
Time spent in up-front
SEE-PIE SWOT analysis should give a more robust approach to the
Service-Learning Project.
Post script:
In the October 25, 2012 Piedmont Triad Livable Communities Summit presentation by Bethany Wilcoxon – The Tomorrow Plan slide 7 shows the SEE with Environmental as "natural and built" see image. This is an interesting way to think about it, with a focus on Human created Environmental issues.
Post script:
In the October 25, 2012 Piedmont Triad Livable Communities Summit presentation by Bethany Wilcoxon – The Tomorrow Plan slide 7 shows the SEE with Environmental as "natural and built" see image. This is an interesting way to think about it, with a focus on Human created Environmental issues.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Project Based Learning (PBL) ….. PIE
This blog explores Productive Innovative Engine (PIE)
framework as a Project Based Learning (PBL) platform.
This video gives a nice introduction to PBL vs traditional learning
styles. Learn NC has a page on Project Based Learning.
The concepts of Entrepreneurial Productive
Innovative Engine (PIE) frameworks stresses teams as implemented in
industry to create new products, services, processes, solutions or experiences.
It focuses on a six hat team as illustrated in the graphic
Business Hat (Entrepreneur)- Customer Hat (Marketplace)
- Technologist Hat (Production/Service)
- Engineer Hat (Design & Development)
- Scientist Hat (Research)
- Logistics Hat (Global Supply Chain)
In the blog “A
Better Way .... Triple Bottom Line Impacts” presents the concept of design
funnel starting out with wide degrees of freedom and moving from outward
thinking to critical thinking to inward thinking to create products, solutions,
services with the Triple Bottom Line focus.
This concept should also apply students in their PBL projects.
Should the focus be on Social, Economic, Environmental or a balance of alternate Impacts? Thinking through these priorities in the Design Concept stage should minimize later conflicts of SEE emphasis.
This graphic is a 3-D
way of viewing Technologies to Product and the continuous improvement
associated with creating and refining products. Should the focus be on Social, Economic, Environmental or a balance of alternate Impacts? Thinking through these priorities in the Design Concept stage should minimize later conflicts of SEE emphasis.
In the left it shows a variety of “Y” technologies as input
which were culled from the wide design funnel area. These are then processed in the “X” process
into a specific “Z” product. Note that
using the same “Y” inputs and a different “X” process results in a variation “Z”
product. The design funnel shown above
can be overlaid on the Technology to Product Example; starting with a wide
range of options and then refining them by critical thinking into a viable
Repurposing continued ...Earth Stone Products Blog illustrates the Technology to Product with Earth Stone Processes and Products. It is interesting that Earth Stone is a Triple Bottom Line company, in that they recycle Granite Counter Tops and also improve the quality of life with attractive products that enhance the livability of homes.
Repurposing continued ...Earth Stone Products Blog illustrates the Technology to Product with Earth Stone Processes and Products. It is interesting that Earth Stone is a Triple Bottom Line company, in that they recycle Granite Counter Tops and also improve the quality of life with attractive products that enhance the livability of homes.
The right diagram focuses on the concept of iteration by
building on the previous versions. An
example is the development of computer user interfaces that have evolved over
the past decades. When I started
interacting with computers we used switches and then keyboard to type in
commands followed by the earliest crude windows point and click to where we are
today with touch and speak interfaces.
Each generation raised the level from crude to slick approaches of
interacting with computers and communications devices.
When I was working
with Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
the program managers had a very effective way of using a five viewgraphs for communicating
their project goals & objectives, approach & progress, schedule &
budget. The overview Viewgraph (VG) was
a four frame graphic as shown in the diagram; they had backup viewgraphs which
expanded on the contents of each of the frames.
The program managers who were responsible for several
multi-million dollar projects would come to meetings with a briefcase full of 5
VG sets. I was impressed with how
effective their approach was that when I was teaching at NCA&T in the 90s,
I used this approach for students to document their final class project. I propose these be used in PIE PBL projects.
Another method of managing projects is the Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) as shown in the graphic.
It identifies the various tasks/costs/schedules and functional organizations
associated with the project. A WBS was Required for the NCA&T end course
project mentioned above. The graphic
below was extracted from the Work
breakdown structure article in Wikipedia.

After writing this blog, I discovered that GCS Service-Learning was also using a similiar triad to represent Triple Bottom Line as People-Planet-Profit (PPP). Where ever I have used Social-Environmential-Economic (SEE) then PPP is equilivant, see diagrams.
Feedback is welcomed.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
How Big is Your Spiritual Fish?
I was preparing my Sunday School Lesson plan somewhere around the turn of the
century, there emerged in my mind a visual of two arcs; the Human Domain as a
downward cupped arc and the Spiritual Domain as an upward cupped arc. The graphic illustrates this concept.
I am greatly appreciative of two items which I have received related to the Spiritual Fish. The picture shows a fish made from nails which I carry on my key chain and fish shaped candies. These were given to me by special friends.
During my visit to the Ukraine in 2004 I discovered a fish symbol over the door of a Kiev homeless children’s ministry center (see graphic).
These are a few of the approximately 20,000 homeless street children that were receiving the love and care of the UCCC Ministry Center for Kiev Street Children. It was rewarding to experience the work of dedicated Christians caring for the children. Our team from Greensboro, NC were one of many teams that were volunteering on the Village of Hope project to build a facility that will enable these children to have a home environment and get an education. The facility was a restoration of an old Communist Youth training Camp on a beautiful 17 acre tract of stately pines. CBF of North Carolina has information on this project on their website.
While on the Ukraine trip I had the opportunity to share the Spiritual Fish with several people. It is a metaphor that gives a new dimension to the experience of Spiritual Faith.
In October 2004 a presentation “SIN à HEAVEN” in the Christian tradition was shared with the Southeast Baptist Youth. This is available as a Power Point Presentation and as a PDF document with 6 slides per page. It discusses SIN-ACTS, How Big is your Fish, and SINàHEAVEN. The graphic shows the concept of a spiritual fish, spiritual destinations and the critical decision point.
A previous blog SIN vs ACTS discusses the Selfish Insensitive Nature (SIN) as related to the spiritual perspective as well the business perspective. If we exclude or ignore the Customer, Nature or Others in our thinking it seems this is the Selfish Insensitive Nature dominating. However, if we include the Customer, Nature or Others in our thinking then Service will dominate.
Later the youth gave a demonstration which is included in the power point presentation as a post script. They used two facing chairs and a board to demonstrate the crossing over from unsaved to saved condition.
It is hoped this new way of thinking outside the box will be beneficial to the reader. Feedback is welcomed.
May you have many Big Spiritual Fish experiences!
What struck me was that where the Human and Spiritual
Domains overlap there is a Fish outline.
Reflecting upon this, the concept of a Spiritual Fish evolved. There is
an ebb and flow of the size of this fish; large when we have a close
relationship with God and small when we have a distant relationship with God.
The question is “How big is your
Spiritual Fish?”
Around 2001 I shared this diagram with my 11 year old
grandson, Travis Camp. While we were
walking over a sandy loam field on the family farm in South Carolina, I
sketched the fish outline where two arcs overlapped and described to him the
concept of a spiritual fish. He grabbed
the drawing stick and started running sketching a large fish which was probably
about 10-15 feet in length. He said “Grandpa that is your spiritual fish!” I was blown away by his response, which I
have treasured every since.
These are some ways I have found useful to express the
concept of Spiritual Fish:
As a farewell - “Have a Big Spiritual Fish
Welcoming – “I hope you have had a Big Spiritual
Fish Week!”
When inquiring about a person’s spiritual situation
- “How Big is your Spiritual Fish?”
attending a memorial service - “They must have been a Big Spiritual Fish
The size of a fish can be expressed as a mathematical function as alpha = function (prayer, worship, love, service ....). I am greatly appreciative of two items which I have received related to the Spiritual Fish. The picture shows a fish made from nails which I carry on my key chain and fish shaped candies. These were given to me by special friends.
During my visit to the Ukraine in 2004 I discovered a fish symbol over the door of a Kiev homeless children’s ministry center (see graphic).
These are a few of the approximately 20,000 homeless street children that were receiving the love and care of the UCCC Ministry Center for Kiev Street Children. It was rewarding to experience the work of dedicated Christians caring for the children. Our team from Greensboro, NC were one of many teams that were volunteering on the Village of Hope project to build a facility that will enable these children to have a home environment and get an education. The facility was a restoration of an old Communist Youth training Camp on a beautiful 17 acre tract of stately pines. CBF of North Carolina has information on this project on their website.
While on the Ukraine trip I had the opportunity to share the Spiritual Fish with several people. It is a metaphor that gives a new dimension to the experience of Spiritual Faith.
In October 2004 a presentation “SIN à HEAVEN” in the Christian tradition was shared with the Southeast Baptist Youth. This is available as a Power Point Presentation and as a PDF document with 6 slides per page. It discusses SIN-ACTS, How Big is your Fish, and SINàHEAVEN. The graphic shows the concept of a spiritual fish, spiritual destinations and the critical decision point.
A previous blog SIN vs ACTS discusses the Selfish Insensitive Nature (SIN) as related to the spiritual perspective as well the business perspective. If we exclude or ignore the Customer, Nature or Others in our thinking it seems this is the Selfish Insensitive Nature dominating. However, if we include the Customer, Nature or Others in our thinking then Service will dominate.
Later the youth gave a demonstration which is included in the power point presentation as a post script. They used two facing chairs and a board to demonstrate the crossing over from unsaved to saved condition.
It is hoped this new way of thinking outside the box will be beneficial to the reader. Feedback is welcomed.
May you have many Big Spiritual Fish experiences!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
A Better Way .... Triple Bottom Line Impacts
This blog attempts to shift the paradigm of thinking from a single bottom line to triple bottom lines.
Too many businesses focus on making money at the expense of other areas of importance. The graphic here attempts to show a more balanced view of bottom line impacts and associated metrics. Rather than focus on the almighty dollar, a balanced focus is advocated which include Economic, Social and Environmental.
This concept was primarily triggered by an article in December 2011 Forbes. The front cover focused on Jacqueline Novogratz of the Acumen Fund. The section of Impact 30 has been compiled into a Mindjet interactive format and word document with information on the 30 funds. These are available at these links:
(Note the Mindjet Interactive Player uses Adobe PDF Reader which may not be available on some browsers or smart phones, therefore a word document export from Mindjet in PDF format is provided for access to the links to the IMPACT 30 related companies.)Too many businesses focus on making money at the expense of other areas of importance. The graphic here attempts to show a more balanced view of bottom line impacts and associated metrics. Rather than focus on the almighty dollar, a balanced focus is advocated which include Economic, Social and Environmental.
This concept was primarily triggered by an article in December 2011 Forbes. The front cover focused on Jacqueline Novogratz of the Acumen Fund. The section of Impact 30 has been compiled into a Mindjet interactive format and word document with information on the 30 funds. These are available at these links:
After writing this blog, I discovered that GCS Service-Learning was also using a similiar triad to represent Triple Bottom Line as People-Planet-Profit (PPP). Where ever I have used Social-Environmential-Economic (SEE) then PPP is equilivant, see diagrams.
An interesting presentation at TEDxPhilly by Jay Coen Gilbert on the bcorporation website (IMPACT 8) discusses the Shareholder vs Stakeholder viewpoints as shown in graphic at left. Anyone interested in the concepts of this should view the video.
In the Forbes issue the Stanford Social Innovation Review Winter 2012 Roundtable on Impact Investing the panel provides interesting take on their experiences on theme of Triple Bottom Line impact investing. Below are selected extracts from this panel discussion.
Jacqueline Novogratz of Acumen Fund: “My biggest concern is that the proposition for impact investing ends up being more about the potential financial returns on capital than about why the capital is being invested in the first place. The risk is that the focus is more on financial return as an end in itself rather than as a tool and a means to solve big intractable social problems. Right now the debate is often framed by the financial return an organization can make rather than by the goals of that organization and the best capital structures to realize those goals. I think the debate would be more effective if we framed it around the latter.”
Update 4/7/13: Jacqueline Novogratz has an excellent book on their work "The Blue Sweater", I highly recommend it. Acumen Video.
Update 4/7/13: Jacqueline Novogratz has an excellent book on their work "The Blue Sweater", I highly recommend it. Acumen Video.
Iftekhar Enayetullah of Waste Concern: “I find that the perspectives funders have on these issues really vary. There is a fundamental difference between dealing with donors and dealing with investors. When we are dealing with UNDP [the United Nations Development Programme] or UNICEF [the United Nations Children’s Fund], they look first at the development impact of the project. When we sit down and negotiate with them, before they look into the financials they first want to look into the development impact, such as whether the project is fulfilling the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals. Once it is clear that the project meets the development goal, then they look into the financing issues. But their entry point is development impact. When we discuss the same proposal with investors, they will first want to dive into the numbers and the business plan. They want to understand how long the payback is, whether my assumptions are right, and what risk mitigation plans we have looked into for the project. If the project involves carbon credits, they will want to know what our plans are if the Kyoto Protocol falls apart. It’s only after looking at these financial issues that they want to look at the project’s social and environmental benefits. So there is a basic difference in the way each type of funder approaches these investments, and we have to take a different approach when we discuss the same project with different investors.”
Asad Mahmood of Deutsche Bank: “What distinguishes social finance from regular finance is two additional risks. One is the risk of failing to innovate— failing to push the envelope to meet the needs of the client and integrating the social impact into the business. It can’t be an afterthought—“We’ll make money and then contribute some of it to improve people’s welfare or set up a foundation”; that is not, in my mind, a social business. By labeling that a social business, we create a risk to the fundamentals of how this industry needs to develop. If our focus becomes making money and giving it away afterward, then we are not achieving the potential. The social and financial aspects have to be intertwined, like DNA. If we don’t focus on the customer and if we don’t innovate to meet and service the needs of the customer, then we will create a bigger risk in the sector because the expectations of the sector are far different than a normal business. It’s important to distinguish these risks from normal business risks. They are far more exaggerated for social enterprises because we have positioned this sector as being beneficial to the poor and beneficial to society. To me, one of the greatest risks in the sector is that it pumps up all its potentiality and then fails to focus on the customer, thereby creating no loyalty to the business and none of the social outcomes that were promised. How do we define the social finance industry? How do we avoid making it so commercial that the customer and the social service become secondary? That to me is a primary risk."
These three panelists give clarification to the Triple Bottom Line concept and hopefully emphasize in the reader’s mind the importance of the balanced concept depicted in the diagram above.
A regional approach to sustainability is an objective of the Piedmont Triad Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Project. In their Overview PDF document the “What is a Sustainable Region?” visual a Venn diagram identifies the Triple Bottom Lines as Social, Environmential and Economic Equity. It identifies a Sustainable Region as "An urban, suburban or rural community that has more housing and transporation choices, is closer to jobs, shops and schools, is more energy independent and helps protect clean air and water."

The August 2010 blog "Design Funnel ... Fish-Hook-Fry Metaphors ...." discusses an approach which starts with a wide funnel with many options and narrows to Goals, Solutions, Products or Services. When the design process focuses on a balanced Tripple Bottom Line the typical emphasis on almighty dollar is enhanced to include the social and environmental aspects.
The graphic "another way of visualizing" extracted from The Center for Creativity Economy gives an alternate concept of the design funnel showing breadth versus time.
In the November 2011 blog I-STEAM PIE Engine connects future economy to jobs … I-STEAMSS was introduced which reflects Innovation, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math and Social Studies. I now promote the I-STEAMSS concept, in fact this blog brings strength to the Social aspect.
Hopefully this blog will give the reader a new set of eyes of “New Ways of Thinking Inside and Outside the Box” and enable a more comprehensive understanding of how a balanced Triple Bottom Line is “A Better Way” toward a healthy paradigm. Feedback is welcomed.
“lhb: Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate Resources in a healthy Paradigm”
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