Saturday, August 5, 2017



The contents of this Blog were started as captured thoughts when I was located in Langdon ND


“… Memoirs, I had so much fun writing mine….” 

These words drifted through the bookshelves of a small library in Landon, North Dakota, and drew my attention from casual browsing to the conversation of an elder lady and middle age man.  My first reaction was “Memoirs are written by Very Important People (VIP), not by us ordinary folks”; but as I have pondered this over the years, it would appear almost everyone is a VIP to their family friends.  Therefore, why shouldn’t we take time and capture our memoirs for future relatives and friends, just as Presidents and other public figures do.

Have you ever wondered how a grandparent, past relative, or a highly respected ancestor may have sounded or looked as they reflected on their life experiences and beliefs?  Our ancestors were limited in time and media available to pass on to us their reflections of past personal memories; however, we are living in an age which allows any of us to capture our spoken words on voice recordings or our thoughts on paper.  In addition to these, our visual personality can be stored in the form of photo-graphics, slides, movies or video captures some of the essence of the living personality which is unavailable in the written words alone.  Written words, voice and dynamic visual recordings can combine to give us a media which will capture living characteristics and insights of our personality in a “time capsule” for those that will walk where we have walked.

How nice it would be to visit, via., life like voice and image recordings, with someone we knew as a small child or someone our parents regarded with high esteem

There is a wealth of experiences, knowledge, and beliefs in the minds of all of us, especially those who have reached the golden years of life.  It seems such a waste, to lose this wealth of wisdom, knowledge and experiences, for lack of recognizing it’s value ease of capturing and passing it along to loved ones and future generations of relatives and friends.

While I was a Freshman at the University of South Carolina in the 1950s, I researched my Dad’s family history and prepared a paper on “Two Hundred years of Baxleys” for an English course,.

How interesting and valuable it would have been to have the opportunity to visit with some of previous relatives through a memoir.   

In too many cases the only footprints of these persons were six to sixteen letters of a name and dates on a tombstone, or in a legal registry.  The six to sixteen letters of a name just do not provide any depth of insight into a person’s experiences, knowledge, personality, humor, character or beliefs.   

This lack of personal information raises unanswerable questions; who were these persons, what did they believe, what experiences shaped their lives, what discoveries of life did they make, etc.  I would greatly have appreciated having their memoirs to read and reflect on.

Care and thoughtful organization of our mental wealth is an essential step in preparing an interesting and coherent blend of special experiences, beliefs and knowledge.  Planning what is to be passed along, voice or image recordings or conversations with family or friends will pave the way for separation of wheat from the chaff and consideration of time and costs must also be made to effectively capture a memoir on any of the available dynamic recording media.  However, this type memoir would be a valuable gift for those in the future who may ponder their roots as we have at one time or another.

One never knows what thoughts may spring from the process of reflecting one’s life.  No doubt, many will be of the weed variety that strive to choke out more valuable vegetables in our mental gardens.  If the mental weeds are pruned, our meals of life will be enhanced by the flavor and nutrition of our mental vegetables of thought.

We should study our past gardening techniques and determine how they influenced our paths and responses to the sour and sweet experiences of life.  Understanding the successful gardening techniques of life is wisdom which should be passed along to our friends and future generations.

Thoughtful reflection should enhance our personal conversations with family and friends, and pave the way of developing a valuable and interesting “time capsule” memoir.

 I ask you to reflect upon your own bank of mental experiences, beliefs, and knowledge and invest it in a memoir media that can be valued by future relatives, friends and loved ones.  Memoirs are developed by VIPs; each of us can be a Very Important Person in the future if we take the time and initiative to prepare a memoir in a careful and coherent manner.  

 It will take work to do it, but remember what the lady said in Langdon, ND, “I had so much FUN!”

Monday, June 19, 2017

Interesting Links

Interesting Links

This blog captures information from authors files which have been saved during purging of  his files.

Professor Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Eight Hat PIE Team Table

Eight Hat PIE Team Table

This table shows eight person team.  I believe this fits the Productive Innovative Engine (PIE) Framework nicely by expanding the six hat PIE team to include Resources and Partners Sitting at end of table.  This is a logical layout for the PIE Team. (Picture borrowed from SWERVE flyer 3/4/2016).

The graphic below from   shows various hats
related to PIE Framework.

Shown on this image is the earlier version showing the Innovative Engine Team Hats:
1. Business (Entrepreneur)
2. Customer (Marketplace)
3. Technologist  (Operates & Makes Things)
4. Engineer (Creates Designs that solve problems)
5. Scientist (Research and creates new Technologies)
6. Logistics (Global Supply Chain)
7. Resources (new) cupped hand with coins and seedling graphic
      Human Resources/$Resources/Technical Resources
8. Partners  (new) hand shake graphic
    Sourcing & Operating Partners & Financial Partners

Adding Resources and Partners to the Team rounds out to a nice functional eight Hat Team.  This gives robustness and completeness to the PIE Framework.

May I suggest the next time you are sitting at a table with your team, look around at everyone at the table and identify each hat they are wearing.  This should give you a new set of eyes.

Monday, May 18, 2015

New Ways of Looking Outside the Box - Social Progress Imperative - PIE - Quality

This Blog takes a look at new ways of looking outside the Box for Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Productive Innovative Engine (PIE), Triple Bottom Line  and Quality.  It also introduces the Social Progress Imperative (SPI) and discusses how these are useful tools for improving the Health of Paradigms.

This diagram shows these various functions and relations.

The following videos set the stage related to Social Progress Imperative.  These should be viewed first before diving into the discussion that follows.

What does a Successful Country Look Like? See Video:
Michel Green TED Talk

Michael Porter video: Why business can be good at solving social problems
Another nice Video:


This website is the portal for Social Progress Imperative (SPI) :


Social Progress Index (SPI)
  • Basic Human Needs
    •  Nutrition and Basic Medical Care
      • Under Nourishment
      • Depth of Food Deficient 
      • Maternal Mortality Rate
      • Child Mortality Rate
      • Deaths from Infectious  Diseases 
    • Water and Sanitation 
      • Access to Piped Water
      • Rural Access to Improved Water Sources
      • Access to Improved Sanitation Facilities 
    • Shelter
      • Availability of affordable Housing
      • Access to Electricity
      • Quality of Electricity supply
      • Household or pollution attributable deaths
    • Personal Safety
      • Homicide rate
      • Level of violent crime
      • Perceived criminality
      • Political Terror
      • Traffic Deaths   
  •         Foundations of Well-being
    • Access to basic knowledge
      • Adult literacy rate
      • Primary School Enrollment
      • Lower Secondary School Enrollment
      • Upper Secondary School Enrollment
      • Gender parity in secondary enrollment
    • Access to Information and Communication
      • Mobile telephone subscribers
      • Internet Users
      • Press Freedom Indices
    • Health and Wellness
      • Life Expectancy
      • Premature deaths from non-communicable Diseases
      • Obesity Rate
      • Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths
      • Suicide Rate
    • Ecosystem Sustainability
      • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      • Water withdrawal as a percentage of resources
      • Biodiversity and habitat
  • Opportunity
    • Personal Rights
      • Political Rights
      • Freedom of Speech
      • Freedom of assembly/association
      • Freedom of movement
      • Private Property Rights
    • Personal Freedom and Choice
      • Freedom over life choices
      • Freedom of Religion
      • Early Marriage
      • Satisfied demand for contraception
      • Corruption  
    • Tolerance and Inclusion
      • Tolerance for immigrants
      • Tolerance for Homosexuals
      • Discrimination and violence against minorities 
      • Religious tolerance
      • Community safety net  
    • Access to Advanced Education
      • Years of tertiary schooling
      • Women's average years in school
      • Inequality in the attainment of education
      • Globally ranked universities
 To me, these various indexes provide a tool to objectively measure the Health of a Paradigm.
Gross Domestic Product Definition

Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as "an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident, institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs)."[2]

The more familiar use of GDP estimates is to calculate the growth of the economy from year to year (and recently from quarter to quarter). The pattern of GDP growth is held to indicate the success or failure of economic policy and to determine whether an economy is 'in recession'.



Triple Bottom Line impacts:


Stanford Social Innovation Review Winter 2012 Roundtable on Impact Investing

Piedmont Together


Productive Innovative Engine (PIE)

Quality and other blogs:


It is hoped this blog will give readers a new set of eyes for thinking outside the Box. GDP comparison to SPI expands understanding of factors that create a healthy paradigm.
Comments are welcomed.
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


BCSW Building Competitive Services & Wares Blog Index

54. BlogIndex (This Blog)   5/18/2015

53 New Ways of Looking Outside the Box - Social Progress Imperative - PIE - Quality
(Under Construction) 5/18/2015

52. Productive Innovative Engine (PIE)    12/1/2013

51. Preface Pope Five Finger Prayer   9/24/2013

50. PIE …. Engineer – Architect Functions   4/29/2013

      RE: Architecture vs. Engineering Infographic

49. PIE ... Big A's ... Experts offer strategies for Entrepreneurs   4/11/2013

48. Word Clouds ... SEGCA ... PIE ... F4K   1/24/2013

47. PIE Logo Impressions ...   11/20/2012

46. Rudder for the Future Economy    11/4/2012

45. Quality Adage Updated  7/9/2012

44. Virtual Town Hall - Piedmont Voice  4/19/2012

43. Service-Learning PIE Wrapup 3/15/2012

42. Service-Learning: SEE-PIE SWOT Focus  1/27/2012

41. Project Based Learning (PBL) ... PIE   1/23/2012

40. How Big is your Spiritual Fish?   1/11/2012

39. A Better Way ... Triple Bottom Line Impacts  1/7/2012

38. Frame Works: P21 - PIE - bestChoices ... 12/20/2011

37. HOW MUCH CAN I MAKE ... WORK KEYS ...  12/6/2011

36. Service - Learning PIE Sustainability ... 12/4/2011

35. Service-Learning PIE ... 11/25/2011

34. I-STEAM PIE Engine connects future economy to jobs ...  11/9/2011

33. Paradigm Shifts ...   10/3/2011

32. New Ways of Thinking Inside and Outside the Box ...  5/24/2011

31. What Grows an Economy>  ...  PIE? ... X-Factor?   12/6/2010

30. Design Funnel ...  Fish-Hook-Fry Metaphors ... 8/25/2010

29. Quality - White Gloves ...   8/24/2010

28. Wanted Economy with a motor ... 8/12/2010

27. Create Job Opportunities with PIE ...  8/7/2010  Post Scrip 12/7/2010

26. People ....   6/21/2010

25. Industry Mentor Teams ...  6/19/2010

24. Connecting Students to the Future Economy ...  6/16/2010

23. The "I" in "I-STEM" ...  6/3/2010

22. CTE-I-STEM Cookie  .... 12/28/2009

21. I-STEM ....  10/8/2009

20. Growing America Through Entrepreneurship (GATE) ... 8/17/2009

19. Making Schools Stronger ...  8/5/2009

18. Virtual Support Organization ....  7/27/2009

17. Entrepreneur Hats ....  7/20/2009

16. Repurposing continued ....  7/18/2009

15. Repurposing Buildings ....  2/21/2009

14. NC Research Parks ....  New Backbone  ....  1/12/2009

13. Seeing the Invisible ...  12/2/2008

12. Inspiring Entrepreneur .... Letter to Editor ...  10/26/2008

11. Quality Education ...  8/9/2008

10. Paradigm Shifts ....  21st Century Skills ... 5/5/2008

9. Global Value Streams .... 21st Century Skills   4/18/2008

8. M21C ....  HEIFER   4/1/2008

7. INNOVATION ....  Customer   3/29/2008

6. SIN vs ACTS   3/21/2008

5. PET Factor ... 3/18/2008

4. Civility .... Gracious Profession .... Quality  3/11/2008 Post Scripts Sep 2009, Dec 2010

3. ... Product of the Process  3/8/2008

2. Building Competitive ....   3/5/2008

1. Quality comes from ...  3/5/2008

Graphics will be added as time permits.....

Friday, November 29, 2013



We hope this web site will be helpful for creating PIE Teams that will create jobs!   Please advise if you find information useful 

  • When I introduced   Entrepreneurial PIE Teams George Clopton - Polo Ralph Lauren, he responded "That sounds like 'The Skunk Works'".  I procured a copy of Skunk Works and read it; this was the group in Lockheed that came up with the U-2 and Stealth Technology. It appears that there was a lot of PIE Hat Thinking going on there, I highly recommend the book to anyone with an interest in creative and innovative thinking and the challenges of implementing this thinking and products. July 2010
  • "Entrepreneurial PIE Teams is an exciting approach.  In concept, it is compatible with the case study approach to learning that I advocate as an important education tool.     I see teams could be interdisciplinary (ie involving various business entities like engineers, sales persons, marketeers, accountants, etc) or intra-disciplinary (chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, etc...).  Regardless of the groupings chosen, students will not only have an opportunity to exercise their skills in their field of study but also learn the important contribution that their skills may contribute to accomplishing innovation on a broader scale.

    Another contribution is the interpersonal skills developed as being a part of such a team.  I have done some work with elementary kids, allowing them to create things with simple shapes -  circles, squares, rectangles, triangles.  After voting on the best design, an assembly line was created.  Then I witnessed the same organization behavior and dynamics as being played out with adults in industry:  some productive and some counterproductive attitudes to the mission at hand.  If we use "PIE" like teams as a catalyst to teaching students how to better collaborate interpersonally as partners to complete a mission, businesses will be more highly productive in their work teams.

    Again thanks for exposing me to the exciting important work you are doing."

    Dr. Ida Pittman July 2011 
  • "... You have wonderful, entrepreneurial programs with IEEE.  While f4k isn't solely entrepreneur focused, I believe we can connect kids to entrepreneurs and get them excited about careers and industries ---> 'Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow' ..." Susan Milliken Sanford - executive director August 2011
  • Guilford County Schools Future Economy Task Force adds "Students will utilize the PIE framework to develop service learning experiences" as part of "utilize Service Learning opportunities in their career exploration" Goal.  October 2011
  • "The information you've provided below is incredibly valuable and topical not only to entrepreneurship, but to providing early and continued exposure to principles and tools useful in vision-directed creativity and career development from the earliest ages. 
    An important factor in your design is that application of engineering principles to pursuit of an endeavor, which I find absolutely critical to venture success.
    I am a big fan of the PIE approach and happy to market it and otherwise help in any way I can."

    Roger Cubicciotti - President November 2011
  • "Great stuff"

    Dr. Dianne Welsh - Director, Entrepreneurship Cross-Disciplinary Program UNCG January 2012
Entrepreneur Productive Innovative Engine (PIE) Teams
The August 2010 blogs discuss the PIE Teams concept in more detail.

Create Job Opportunities with PIE
We hear Jobs, Jobs, Jobs; we need jobs. This blog brings to the table a view that we must have a proactive approach to creation of jobs. Drawing on Metaphors from M21C thinking, the concept of planting PIE Teams is a proactive way to get people thinking about the primary functions that create Things and therefore Jobs. The graphic expresses this with emphasis on hands and fingers. A new metaphor for the six hat team is presented using the fingers of a hand and the arm.  MORE >>>

Wanted: Economy with a motor ...

The graphic shows this headline along with two views of PIE Team and the workforce by skill level. 

In the report "Tough Choices or Tough Times" the graphic "Profile of Successful U. S. Firms in the Future" shown below right.  A modified version is developed with relative salaries for various levels of the workforce; it also has the creative work emphasized.  It depicts a diamond area of creative work which is very similar to the PIE Team as discussed in several  blogs.  A modified version shows the profile of work types also with relative salaries.  In addition to Creative Work, a chart shows Operations & Maintenance Work, Outsourced Work and routine work that has been Automated. MORE >>>

Quality - White Gloves ...

This blog brings the concept of Quality to bear on the PIE Team. “Quality comes from Ownership with Integrity and appropriate working Resources in a healthy Paradigm – lhb.”  Note, that an

“O” and an “I” make a “Q”. Starting with Ownership, Integrity and appropriate Resources; it was realized that you could have Ownership, Integrity and appropriate Resources, but not necessarily have Quality. When you have an environment that is at cross purposes and discourage things working compatible together, that is not a healthy Paradigm and Quality suffers. The Quality Hand must be vested with competence and authority to over ride poor decisions made by the PIE Team and others. In other words Safety and Quality must not be pre-empted by schedule or profit drivers.  MORE >>>


Rudder For Future Economy ...
Our economy has been experiencing a rambling path similar to the one that the Bismarck ship experienced during WW-II when a torpedo disabled the steering mechanism.

 This blog expands on previous thinking of the Entrepreneurial Productive Innovative Engine (PIE) Framework  to include the concept of the hands of the PIE team clasped together  as a rudder for steering the future economy. MORE>>>

Design Funnel ... Fish-Hook-Fry Metaphors ....
Research and study using the latest versions of Microsoft Expression Studio and Visual Studio, I have been impressed with how they have treated the design and development area. In the book “Dynamic Prototyping with Sketch Flow in Expression Blend” by Chris Bernard & Sara Summers QUE c 2010 there is a nice chart shown here that does a good job of presenting the gap between design and development. It fits well with other thinking as discussed in other blogs.      MORE>>>



Innovation …. CustomerThe ISCORPIO Metaphor in M21C describes eight petals related to various aspects of a Business; this topic addresses two of the petals, Innovation and Customer. Looking at the ISCORPIO diagram the left pointing (West) facet represents Innovation and the right pointing facet (East) represents the Customer. These are fundamental to a successful business that builds competitive services and wares. As discussed in other entries of this blog, the Customer is the most important since they are the ones that pay money for the solutions of businesses. To stay competitive, Innovation becomes the primary focus.  MORE >>>

What Grows an Economy? …. PIE? ….. X-Factor?
The “What Grows an Economy?”  article in the November 22, 2010 Forbes issue  by Rich Karlgaard has some very interesting information which I find gives validity to the concept of planting PIE Teams.  I suggest if we want to solve the problem of Jobs and a slow economy, we need policies that encourage PIE Teams to experiment with creating new products and services that have the potential for growing into big companies i.e., X factor effect. The concept of Entrepreneur Productive Innovative Engine (PIE) Teams is that they are planted in Schools, Jobless Networks and within Industry as potential spin offs that will get those participating into a frame of mind of creating products and services that will result in new jobs.  In Industry these Teams may be called "Skunk Works." MORE >>> is a resource for students, their parents, their teachers and their school counselors. This is a portal about engineering and engineering careers, and we hope it will help young people understand better what engineering means, and how an engineering career can be made part of their future. Students will find here descriptions of the lifestyles and experiences of engineers, and on the different disciplines within engineering. We provide hands-on experiments and activities, referrals to summer programs and internship opportunities, and search tools for schools that offer engineering programs. Useful tips on course selection, applying to university programs and financial aid are included. Students can also use this portal to browse questions answered by engineering students in universities and practicing engineers.

Case Studies:     Honda Jet

Games:              TryEngineering | Plantville

This Blog is under construction to replace a previous Blog on a site that was decommissioned in November 2013